Please be advised that I receive listing notifications from most major landlords. In the case of those that offer concessions, I am definitely happy to pass the savings on to you, but be advised that the condition of me showing you an apartment is that someone is willing to pay my fee in the long term (should you decide to take the unit.).
In regard to rent stabilized units, I can definitely hook you up with them; however, be advised that many will require you to walk steps. (In general if the building is old, about 6 stories or less and significantly below median market value, you will likely be climbing steps.) If this isn't your bag, you might want to search the elevator units from least expensive up on my homepage.
Other than that, feel free to contact me at [email protected] if there's any way I can help you. You can also slide down below, pick a time, and set up one of my famous ZOOM calls at your leisure and convenience. I'm here to help you find a home in the greatest City in the world!